Tuesday 30 May 2017

Fashion statement, financial independence and social changes.

Fashion is associated with young people.Most of the fashion shows are eager to have  younger models . We at Pushpneer believe that every women is a fashionista in her own right.

Think of your grand mother in that right pallu saari with big bindi , long hair either tied in simple bun or long pranda wali "choti" ,bright kohled eyes and the beautiful smile, she was a fashionista!
Our fashionista is not expected to follow the fashion trends. She is the one, who is happy and confident wearing what she feels like.

With so many platforms to interact with the world, exposure is bound to happen which ends up in lots of learning of styles and trending options. It also creates fusions of different cultures. Fusions and such interactions opens up different (eg.-indo-western) styles of clothing on the Indian street. Yes, we are not talking about ramp fashion as it's mostly left at ramp or once in a while seen on celebrities. As more and more women are becoming financially independent, they have become confident of trying dresses which are far cry from Indian traditional dresses like sari, salwar-kurti or lehenga, choli with duppata. Skirts, frocks, mid-length maxies, full length gowns, capries, shorts, tights etc are becoming preferred dresses for women. The two major factors of shifting to these styles is comfort and confidence of making choices. Many first generation financially independent women have taken this as an expression of freedom to do what they want.

I remember a very interesting observation made by a university professor in a university in a small town in Haryana in late 70's and early 80's. The girls from the villages have their first haircut, which is generally a boy-cut within the first week of being in hostel. Next comes the change in wardrobe. One jeans and few tops was affordable for most of the rural students within a month from the pocket-money, they were provided. Within six months, the changes were very drastic and positive. The changes, which education must brings in. A confident women, who is doing the things which she always wanted to do but was never allowed.

A home-science college was opened in the university campus to bring in the girls from the villages to the fold of education. Women were always a suppressed lot in Haryana as society is strongly patriarchal. It was difficult to convince the parents of girls to send them to co-educational institutions, so a girls college was the best option , which a university can offer to change the fortune of girls/ women in the area.

In the new session, we used to see lots of girls with oiled hair tied in one or two plaits with ribbons from rural Haryana roaming in groups on the university campus in the typical rural dresses of salwar or ghaghra paired with short kurti with pockets and a duppatta. With in a week, the girls used to get the smartest and "in" hair cut. The easiest change that can be brought with minimum risk and financials. Hair-cut in those days was from two to five INR in the beauty parlours in the university campus. Few more months in the hostels and transformation was admirable. The total wardrobe changes and the changes in  language, confidence and carrying themselves with ease was remarkable. Many were my friends too. We used to discuss and laugh  together at the changes they make in their lifestyles. The girls said they have learnt to breathe now. it was so suffocating at home, where all moves were guided and guarded by father or brothers. Youngsters are mostly open to experimentation.

Most of the women in their late 30's or 40's have been witness to these changes of more educational opportunities, work opportunities, financial independence , opening economy and social changes towards progressive trends. This generation was the torch bearer and has mostly paved ways for the future generation to have personal freedom.

Now in cities, we can see women in late 50's and 60's wearing knee length frocks, shorts without giving a damn to anybody. This self expression of freedom and "let's do it" feel is still missing in smaller cities for women. The major reason is the conservative societies, which have not changed much in giving women the freedom and safety, they deserved. It's the weakness of menfolks in such societies rather than the strength of the women which curbs a women right to live life the way she wants. Education is the tool which brings in the key to independence, confidence and living life on own terms.

Indian society is very judgmental and nosy. They take it as their right to interfere and be opinionated about  the actions or decisions of  anybody or everybody. It takes lots of courage here to follow one's heart here. It's good to see so many women rising against such mentality and following their hearts. Who can forget the Phogat sisters, coming from the conservative society of most conservative state, Haryana to make a name in world sports scene? There are numerous examples.

It's painful to see the exploitation of girls/ women by men. The recent incident of molestation of a girl on the streets of Rampur, a city in Uttar Pradesh, inspite of the "romeo squad" put in place by the UP government clearly shows there is no fear of law in the people. The law and order and other systems, which help in having a safe society have been misused by the successive political people, thus giving rise to a corrupt police force who work only for the agendas of politicians and not for the citizens, for whom the force is answerable. Few of the 6 molesters have been arrested , as per the latest reports. I have seen a video of the family of the girl, who were asking for justice. What is the justice? Few years of jail to the wretched men.. who knows, if some one brings the age certificate of being under 18, then he will be released again into the society  as an experienced criminal and as they say, experience makes a man perfect. Next time, he may rape, instead of molestation.

The girl, who has undergone all this must be under so much trauma. Will she ever be able to forget and move on, giving the kind of society, she lives in? We need  five fold action to create a safer society.
1. Strict laws
2. Strict and honest implementation of laws to create a fear in outlaws.
3. A proactive, reliable and sensitive police force
4. Creating a respectful approach towards women in general.
5. A non interfering government (politicians and bureaucrats)

Will there be a day, when India will have safe systems of police and governance so that common people feel safe ?