Sunday 27 July 2014

Standout In The Crowd and Fashion Trends.

Its an innate human desire to stand out of the crowd. Its more so, when dressing and looking and feeling good is concerned.
Just ignore the fashion trends and styles. Wear what suits you and makes you happy and confident. This should be the criteria for selecting your dresses. The dress should complement your personality rather than it covers up you.
"The dress is very pretty" , is the most common compliment. This is the compliment for the dress and not for the wearer.  Always look for a dress that enhances your personality and the ease with which one can carry it. Leave the heavy weight dresses for film heroines to shoot.

Its always advisable to wear a dress that enhances your looks and personality. The brands and high price may act as ego booster but not always enhances the looks of the wearer. Invest your time in creating a dress of your choice or if you are very busy, choose a boutique who has enough time and creativity to make a pretty and different dress for you.

Ethnic styles always standout. They also help our artisans. With fusion of latest styles and embroidery and weaving styles of different regions, one can design an excellent dress for any occasion.

Though most of the boutiques will refuse to do this much trouble, there are creative people around who will help you make an exclusive outfit for you.

As for matching jewelry, do not  overdo by wearing all the pieces of the set. If your dress has a heavy designs in front, avoid wearing the neck piece but wear ear rings. If your hairstyle is covering your ears , then go for a bigger neck piece or an attractive bangle set or bracelet.
 You must have been matching your lipstick shade with your dress. Try not to and see the magic of standing out!

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