Friday 24 June 2016


The LBD is an abbreviation used for little black dress. An LBD is an evening or cocktail short dress and with simple cuts. The  little black dress was brought on fashion scenario in early 1920s and intended to be long lasting, versatile, affordable and in neutral black colour. Coco Chanel and Jean Patou were the designer who perceived this dress.

The LBD is considered  an essential to complete the wardrobe of a fashionable women. LBD may be worn with a jacket or ornate jewelry or just like that , depending upon the occasion. As LBD has never been out of fashion and not yet expected to be, it's ideally should be as simple as possible and should not be part of the trends.

It was in 1926, when Gabrielle Coco Chanel published first picture of short simple black dress in American Vogue. It was simple and accessible to women of all social strata. Actually it became a uniform for women of taste.

In 1950s, the LBD returned as a symbol of dangerous woman. Hollywood's  fallen women characters were often portrayed in black halter style dresses in contrast to more conservative dresses which were worn by housewives and others. With availability of synthetic fibers in 1940s broadened the availability and affordability of many designs.

The generation gaps of 1960s created dichotomy in the design of the little black dress. The younger modern generation preferred mini skirt , creating cutouts or slits in skirts, using sheer fabrics etc.

In 1980s and 1990s, LBD again came into vogue. With new fabrics like knits and fitness craze, new fitting and designs and internet windows to access the world made LBD popular in Indian continent.  Combining LBD with different styles of footwear adds another kind of freshness to the LBD style. The resurgence of body hugging clothing, muted colour schemes paved way to the resurgence of LBD in 2000s.

Usually LBD is taken as a dress for young and slim women. But if one has grown up with LBD should one stop wearing it as it's supposedly for the younger lot? Its true that with age, the body shape changes but somethings do not change. LBD is one of them. So wait for the next post to know more about LBD for not so young and slim women.

Till then connect with "PUSHPNEER" ,feel your inner beauty and look beautiful !

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